THE GOOD: My summer fun started with Sam's 2nd birthday swimming party.
Sam rockin' out with his new guitar.
My mom visiting during the 4th of July.
The donuts my mom found at Walmart. I bought them for the annual Bellybutton BBQ.
Our camping trip that was going to last for 3 days...Hanging out...
starting to have fun...
THE SAD: Unfortunately, my father- in- law passed away on a motorcycle accident, thus ending our camping trip...This plant we got from the funeral. It started out healthy until David, not listening to me, left it in our car in the 100 degree + weather and well, this is what happens when you do that.
All of the Gale clan except two who were in Utah for college stuff.
AND THE LOVELY: We had two sewing classes at church and I really enjoyed them. Might have to get a sewing machine soon :)