Sunday, January 11, 2009


This year we left for the valley on Thursday because before the race on Saturday we were able to attend a Parts Unlimited showcase Thurs. night. My brother-in-law Mike, David's brother, uses them as a supplier for his shop (Speed Merchants) and we were all invited. The showcase was held at Chase Field; same place where Supercross is held.

This was one of many booths to look at for the Parts Unlimited showcase.

It was a catered event.
Here is a picture of some of the fancy food we ate. The food was one of the best David and I have ever had for a catered event.
They were giving out prizes and David won a pair of Thor boots because he had on Thor apparel and had a business card on him. Sadly, the boots were not his size so we sold them to our friend Dean.
And this was the very yummy and very chocolately (my favorite) dessert.
Now on the day of Supercross. This is outside in the PITS as it is called. In the PITS you can see all the different race teams, what they have this year, enter to win things like a new truck or boat, and buy motocross apparel. Or, like this crowd you can stand in line forever to try and get an autograph from a rider. They were waiting for James Stewart to come out.
Here is David walking around in the PITS.
Ok, this is a picture of Mike and his son Damon. If you click on this picture you will see them better. Mike is in the bright blue jacket with a program or something sticking out of his back pocket and his son (our nephew) is next to him on his left side, shorter and wearing a black hoodie. Thanks to Parts Unlimited they got to go out and walk on the field before the race. Totally cool; David and I are jealous.

Here is the view of the track from our seats.
And a lovely picture of David and I in our seats.
It was a really good race and we had lots of fun. I wasn't able to take pictures of any races because once they start everyone is standing up. A cool part of the event is that they were pulling out either a seat # or a section # for small prizes in between the races and our section 111 won. Everyone in that section got a coupon for a free jumbo jack at Jack In The box. I love going to Supercross; an event I didn't know existed until I met David. We have been going every year since we got married. I am glad I am able to share this sport he loves with him.


Leisel said...

What a fun thing to do together. Good thing you like it too!

Kortnei said...

Glad you guys had fun while you were here. I like your 'myspace' picture with David too :)

Amanda M. said...

Looks like fun! I love a good catered event.

Ashley said...

It looks like you guys had a fun day!

JackandJaneyNichols said...

What a bunch of nerds! Kidding, my dear...I'm glad you and David have so much fun together. The jack in the box prize was worth it all! love ya, pumpkin! mom

Kaylee said...

Glad you had boys would love to go to that, but their mom is too cheap!!

Lynda said...

Jaclyn, Sounds like a fun weekend. The booths look a lot like the ones we see at interbike for the bike shop. I never win anything, and they don't do catered events there.